Mirza Munir
The differences between our children and us
By the Grace of God our shop was very good there… Then again, they took me to Bradford, so I bought my own shop on Leeds Road, Bradford…
Yeah, Leeds Road… I started running my shop there, and slowly you know we age with time. My kids were young, and I tried to get them educated as I didn’t want to involve them in the business. Maybe it was my mistake or whatever but I always wanted them to study, so that they could have a better future…
Everyone wishes that their children should study. Businesses are always running and things never stop, but knowledge is a thing that no one can steal from you. You can give your education to others, and if you do that, it will be everlasting charity, for your whole life… People praise you and wish you the whole life… Your teacher who educates you, you can’t forget that teacher… You would keep praying for him, and then you study more… From bottom to top… Suppose, like I dont know how many degrees you have, but you’ve reached a position where today you’re interviewing people today… Asking them how you worked, what did you do in that year, what did you use to do in village, in Badhana, in Gujar Khan, in Rawalpindi, in Lahore, in Peshawer… I mean you came in London and what did you do in London…?
Now, your way of thinking is different. You can say that our children are twenty years ahead of us, because there is a big difference in their education and ours. There is a big difference in our thinking and their thinking…
“By the Grace of God our shop was very good there. Then again, they took me to Bradford, so I bought my own shop on Leeds Road, Bradford. Yeah, Leeds Road. I started running my shop there, and slowly you know we age with time. My kids were young, and I tried to get them educated as I didn’t want to involve them in the business. Maybe it was my mistake but I always wanted them to study, so that they could have a better future.
Everyone wishes that their children should study. Businesses are always running and things never stop, but knowledge is a thing that no-one can steal from you. You can pass on your education to others, and if you do that, it will be everlasting charity, for your whole life. People praise you and wish well for you the whole of your life. Your teacher who educates you, you can’t forget that teacher. You keep praying for him, and then you study more. From bottom to top. I dont know how many degrees you have, but you’ve reached a position where today you’re interviewing people today – asking them how they work, what did you do in that year, what did you use to do in village, in Badhana, in Gujar Khan, in Rawalpindi, in Lahore, in Peshawer. You went to London and what did you do in London?
Now, your way of thinking is different. You can say that our children are twenty years ahead of us, because there is a big difference in their education and ours. There is a big difference in our thinking and their thinking”