Kammar Mirza
That cassette is here somewhere…
“My mother once sent me a cassette, but I don’t know where it is now. It was around when my mother had blood cancer and her whole blood was transfused. The doctors had said that she won’t stay alive for long. I was pregnant with Saad at the time, and it was difficult for me to go (to Pakistan) because I was in the ninth month of the pregnancy.
My mum sent me a voice recording saying had prayed for me that may God bless you with a son. So that’s why she sent me a cassette. Then my young one was born and he was around four weeks old when my mother went into a coma. They called me over to Pakistan so I went leaving my little one here (in England). My mum died when I reached there.
That cassette was here somewhere but I don’t know where it is now.”